Artwork & Design File Uploading Tips
Can I design my artwork online for free?
Absolutely, for our most popular products, we offer free online designs that suit any business! With more than 1000 free online design templates to select from, we rest assured you’ll find a design that suits best for you. Simply personalize our template with your text, logo and images. Go to: FREE ONLINE DESIGN to start your design now
How do I know my files are ready to be uploaded?
To make sure your file(s)are ready to print, don’t forget to check your files for image resolution, bleeds, and fonts/text. Your files must be given at the correct size, including bleeds. Please make sure that all text is at least 0.125 inch away from the cut lines and that all images and text should have to be at least 300 dpi to use for printing purpose
If you are unsure about your files, we encourage you to contact our customer support CONTACT US to engage with group of qualified designer to prepare your file quickly and cost effectively
Are certain file formats better to upload than other file formats?
www.iprintsol.pk accepts print-ready files in any of the following formats: .eps, .pdf, .psd and .tif format. If you have an artwork file in any other format, we suggest you to create a PDF file and upload to iPrintSol’s website
I already uploaded my files, but my job status still shows "On Hold, Need Artwork"?
After your files have been uploaded, you will need to attach the files to a specific print job. To do so, you need to check an active order listed in the “My Orders” section of your iPrintSol account by clicking the “My Orders” button at the top of any page on our site. Then, you need to find a print job that still needs artwork to attach, attach the artwork, and approve the job for printing.
Please note that you will need to sign in with your email address and password before any account information is displayed. Only registered iPrintSol users have an account. To Register please visit our page MY ACCOUNT
What if my file has low resolution images?
If your file has low resolution images (Less than 300 dpi), you will need to change these images before printing. iPrintSol recommends replacing low resolution images to ensure a high quality printing results. It isn’t possible to increase resolution of a low res file because a design file must be originally created at 300 dpi and remain at this resolution. To replace low resolution files, you will need to open your file with your design software program and replace low resolution images with images that have resolution of at least 300 dpi. For more information click on the link below to discuss with our printing experts CONTACT US
What resolution is needed for my files?
Design Resolution directly impacts printing quality since it determines the visual sharpness of your design file. Most computers, mobiles and digital devices display images at 72-96 DPI, you may not be able to accurately compare resolution of your printed item with your device screen. As a result, iPrintSol examine your file for low resolution issues after receiving it and contact you before printing your job
What if my file is missing fonts?
It is important for you to provide all fonts used in your artwork. If you do not provide fonts in your artwork file, we will request you to resubmit your files with fonts included.
If you have vector artwork and your file is missing fonts, you can open your file in Illustrator, select “Create Outlines”, save your fonts, re-save your artwork file, and then upload it.
If you have artwork that is rasterized, you can open your file in Photoshop and select “Flatten the Layers”, re-save your artwork file, and then upload it
How do I convert text to outlines?
All text within your files must be converted to outlines with the outline set to zero to eliminate the need for fonts. If you do not convert text to outlines with the outline set to zero, we will request you to correct your file and resubmit it. You may ask for designer to guide you if it helps CONTACT US
Will my files be converted to CMYK during uploading?
Yes. If your files are submitted using any other color standard, such as RGB or Pantone, they will be converted to CMYK during uploading or before printing the file. Conversion from one color standard to another may cause colors to shift. As a result, if color is important for your printed item, you may have to inform prior to printing
What are print file(s) formats?
File format is a type in which file actually created or saved and format specifies how data is organized. Common design file formats that we accept for printing include: .eps, .pdf, .psd, .tiff format
What is Portable Document (.PDF) format?
Portable document format or (.PDF) is a universal file format developed by Adobe family to preserve all fonts, formatting, graphics, and colors of any source document or design. PDF have capability to read any file by the Acrobat reader regardless of the platform on which the file was originally created
What is Tagged Image File (.TIFF) format?
Tagged image file format or (.TIFF) is one of the most widely supported file formats for saving images in computer. TIFF can support up to 24 bits of photographic image, but it is older format and requires more storage space than needed for files in .JPEG or .PSD formats.
Before uploading or sharing.TIFF formatted files, you should make sure these files do not contain any compression
What is Encapsulated Postscript (.EPS) format?
Encapsulated postscript file or (.EPS) file format is also developed by Adobe family. It is a device-independent PostScript representation of a graphic design. It stores files as vectors and helps to see a quick on-screen viewing of any printing item
What is Joint Photographic Experts Group (.JPEG) format?
Joint photographic experts group or (.JPEG) or (.JPG) is a file format used for colorful images. This format can support a high degree of color while requiring less storage space comparatively other file formats require
What is Photoshop Document (.PSD) format?
Photoshop document or (.PSD) is a file format used for design created as layered images, which makes you enable to edit different parts of an image easily anytime. It is the only file format supporting all available image modes (Bitmap, Grayscale, Indexed Color, RGB, CMYK, LAB, guides, alpha channels, spot channels, and layers.
NOTE: Before submitting .PSD file for printing it is necessary for you to flatten all layers and save your files with flattened layers
Uploading Artwork Files
How do I upload my artwork files?
If you are new user to www.iprintsol.pk you can upload the file anytime by clicking on the “UPLOAD DESIGN” button at the home page on our website or you can log in to your account and follow the instructions for uploading new files. If you do not have iPrintSol account, you will need to take a moment to register.(LOGIN PAGE LINK)
You can also upload artwork after placing your order
How long will file uploading process take?
The time needed to upload your file will vary depending on file size, number of files being uploaded, your internet speed, and other programs running on your device. A small file can be uploaded in less than one minute while a large 50 MB file might take 10 to 15 minutes to upload.
If you have a large file (i.e., larger than 25 MB), we recommend that you initiate the upload process by clicking the “UPLOAD DESIGN” button at the home page on our website or you can reach to our customer service representative in case you are facing any difficulty
How the final printed job compare to my uploaded design/artwork file?
The color may vary, depending on how you submitted your files. The color on the screen cannot be guaranteed to match the finished product because every monitor’s color displays differently. Also screen colors are represented in RGB, whereas colors printed on object in CMYK. The color mode of submitted files must be CMYK to maximize color quality. If submitted files using any other color standard, like RGB or Pantone, they will be converted to CMYK before printing. Conversion from one color standard to another may cause colors to shift
What is the difference between RGB and CMYK and why is it important?
RGB refers to Red, Green, and Blue that are used in computers, mobiles and TV screens; CMYK refers to Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black that are denoted as four-color printing process. RGB color combinations cannot be 100% same if the file is converted to CMYK. As a result, if you have the design created in RGB color combination, we recommend convert your file to CMYK before submitting or uploading
How do I know if my files uploaded successfully?
If there is a problem or error in uploading, a notification message will appear with instructions of what to do next in the process. Or else a message appear on screen with the words “the file uploaded successfully”
Can I upload design files before placing an order?
Yes. You can upload or submit design anytime by clicking on the “UPLOAD DESIGN” button at the home page on our website or you can log in to your account and follow the instructions for uploading new files. If you do not have iPrintSol account, you will need to take a moment to register MY ACCOUNT
After uploading your files, you can place an order by adding required product in cart at SHOP
How long will my artwork files be saved in my account?
Your artwork files will remain in the “My Files” section of your account for at least 90 days.
You can easily access your account any time by clicking the “My Account” button at the top right corner of any page on our site. To login it requires your email address and password
What is the maximum file size that can be uploaded?
There is no limit to the size of file you can upload but the larger the file, the more time that is needed to upload it. For larger files you can submit it via email by having subject of your order #.
Can I use an uploaded orpre-saveddesign/artwork file for multiple print jobs?
Absolutely! Once your design file is uploaded, you can use it for as many print jobs as needed time to time. To do so, you need to simply add that saved file with the subject to Re-order or can reach to our custom services team with your account detail to process your Re-order.
Uploaded design files remain in our system for 90 days, you may request to upgrade saved file time period if needed
Will I have to re-upload an artwork file to reprint a job?
Nope, your print-ready artwork files remain saved in the “My Files” section of your iPrintSol account for at least 90 days. You can upload all print required files you need in our systems
Can I upload multiple files at once?
No, you have to upload each file separately to avoid any confusion
What file formats are acceptable for printing?
iPrintSol accepts print-ready files in any of the following formats: .eps, .pdf, .psd and .tif format
What are print-ready files?
Print-ready files are artwork & design files that contain all fonts and images of your required design and are ready to print, requiring no additional adjustments by designer to make it ready for printing
How to order
How do I order online?
You can order printing products online by following our ordering process:
i)Product selection& designing: Select the product you wish to purchase along with appropriate product customization options from the iPrintSol web to print shop. SHOP Most of our products have customization in it so the price will automatically adjust whenever you select different options, such as color, size, quantity and required time frame in product selection page. Once you select required options you want to buy, you can either upload design file to print by clicking on button “UPLOAD DESIGN” below the product imageor can click on the “DESIGN ONLINE” button to design your item for FREE online.
ii)Personal& delivery information: After choosing your product, you can continue to the “Shopping Cart”, where you will be asked your basic information along with your address for shipping purpose.
Once you filled form andreviewed your order printing and finishing options including your address, click “Continue.” Otherwise, at review if you think any info filled wrong you can easily edit that rowto fill correct info, and once it done you can click on button “CONTINUE”.
iii)Payment methods and order confirmation: Now upon your request of custom printing iPrintSol representative will reach you at your given info either via email or phone call with in next 30 minutes to double check given order details and address whereas after order confirmation you can easily place order amount via online banking, Easy Paisa or Mobi cash to secure your order and to start printing process
Can I upload my files before ordering?
Yes you can upload artwork and design files for a future order too, click the “UPLOAD DESIGN” button at the home page on our website. Then log in to your account (or register if you don’t have an account) and follow the instructions for uploading new files. Having an account with iPrintSol allows you to save your design files for future orders so that it won’t get delay when it really needed
Can I receive a price quote before ordering?
Yes! You can receive a price quote by selecting the product, most of our products does have its quick price quote calculator as well as you can fill custom quote form by following link REQUEST A QUOTEto get instant response with Best possible prices and turnaround time
Where can I see what products you offer?
You can review all our products on Shop page and if you think your required product is not listed or you couldn’t find it there, please fill custom quote form REQUEST A QUOTE for us to assist you better
How do I check on the status of my order?
You can check your job status any time by logging into your account of iprintsol.pk MY ACCOUNT In addition, we also gives update to you via email and SMS whenever the status of your job changes (e.g., your job is in production, ready for courier, on its way to delivery).
When will I receive an invoice?
Once your order has been placed and payment submitted, you will receive an invoice via email. You can also look at the copy of invoice in your account of www.iprintsol.pk
What is the lowest quantity you print?
Having facility to assist small and large size both orders we offer both digital and offset printing methods and can print as little as 30 pieces for some products
What printing method do you use?
Now the answer to this question is like, you name it and we print it! You may get better idea of our printing methods and techniques by checking our services page
How can I reorder a previous order?
Want to order the exact same order again? iPrintSol makes it as easy as possible!
Once you place your order your design file and order history saved in your account of iPrintSol, you can choose to re-order whenever it needed. For a reorder simply login by clicking on “My Account” choose “Orders” and then go to “Order details” for the order you want to re-order and select the option “order same design and quantity again”
Order Tracking
How do I view my order history?
In order to view your order history, log in to your iPrintSol account. “If you are not already logged in” click the “Log In” button at the top of any page of the website. Follow the instructions to enter your Login email and password.Once you have successfully logged in to your account, click “My Jobs” button placed in right panel to review your printing orders history.
How I can track my orders?
Every job contain its unique order number, once you place your order its unique order number is automatically assigned to your print job(s) you will be notified your job number via email and SMS to identify and track every print job status, from file submission, order confirmation to production and Delivery. You can keep track of your orders
Courier & Delivery
Can my order be deliver faster?
Definitely YES! To request a faster delivery you must have to finalize everything timely, from design approval to order amount, and you must have to inform us about fast delivery before approval for production.
If your order is already in production you can still check for your options but unfortunately it’s close to impossible to change the delivery date which was communicated at first
Where does iPrintSol can deliver products?
We are currently delivery all across Pakistan through renowned courier services companies but not limited to national clients only iPrintSol is capable enough to ship products globally
What Delivery methods does iPrintSol offer?
With versatile product range we do offer all possible delivery options too, you can ask for delivery through courier service, or can schedule a postal delivery if it’s not convenient than company delivery is also possible
Can I pick up my order and where?
Yes it is possible to pick your order too, currently we do have office in Lahore Pakistan and you can request for pickup upon order confirmation to decide your nearby pickup point
How do I get confirmation of delivery date?
After choosing your product and finish your checkout process you should notified with order confirmation via email and within next 30 minutes you will receive a confirmation call from our representative for delivery date and time
What do I do if my order is lost or received damaged?
It rarely happen when order lost or damaged but still if you are not getting tracking of your order and unsure of order status or you haven’t received your order on committed date, feel free to reach our 24/7 support center CONTACT US or file a complaint against order damage at SUBMIT COMPLAINTS for us to solve your issue immediately
Can iPrintSol deliver my order to multiple locations?
Yes, you may request to deliver your order at multiple location by paying additional courier charges as per the standard company rates
Where does iPrintSol can deliver products?
We are currently delivery all across Pakistan through renowned courier services companies but not limited to national clients only iPrintSol is capable enough to ship products globally
Will I be notified when my job is on way for delivery?
You will receive an automated email or notification call as soon as your Job handed over to Courier Company for Delivery. You can also check job status by visiting the “My Jobs” section of your account
Can I change my delivery address after my order is placed?
While placing you order be sure to write proper and complete delivery address but still if you would like to change delivery address you must have to notify us 24 hours before delivery to avoid any delay
Turnaround Time
What is standard turnaround time of iPrintSol to complete a job?
Turnaround time or production turn-around time varies by product to product, ranging from 1 to 15 business days. Single day production turnaround time is possible for many products. You can discuss and ask the turnaround time for the specific product that you require
How is turnaround time determined?
Turnaround time of your print job starts once you place your order and finalized your product design, submit your order amount and gave us approval to start printing. Turnaround time does not begin upon placement of your order.
Please note that our production facilities are closed on Sundays and on government local Holidays, so these days are not considered when calculating turnaround time
What can delay start of turnaround time?
Turnaround time does not begin if:
- Your print-ready design files haven’t been submitted to iPrintSolor you didn’t yet finished design process.
- Your order amount is pending yet.
- Your approval on final proof to start printing has not been received by iPrintSol.
We make sure to inform you in a timely manner to begin turnaround time for your job
Does turnaround time including delivery time?
Turnaround time refer to the time requires in producing your print job, it does not include delivery time, and you must have to allow additional business days for delivery based on the delivery method you choose
Does iPrintSol guarantee turnaround time?
Yes. iPrintSol guarantees turnaround time, which is actually a guarantee of production turnaround time committed with clients, when design process and all requirements have been met from client end iPrintSol strives to meet committed turnaround for every job.
Production delays may occur due to any valid reason and in that event ifiPrintSol misses a turnaround commitment, we will remedy the situation by providing full refund of rush/expedite fee charged or in compensation we don’t charge any rush/expedite fee on your next job. Cancellation of a job or entire order by client, just because of turnaround time is permitted in single condition, “if and only the original order clearly states that the job is time sensitive and iPrintSol must have to completed production on committed day”otherwiseorder cancellation is not permitted just due to the reason of turnaround time only.
NOTE:iPrintSol assumes no responsibility for delivery delays caused by courier companies or any damages resulting from not to receive a job on time by client
Invoice and Payments
What payment methods does iPrintSol accept?
Once you select the product and both parties “You” and “iPrintSol” agreed on quoted price you will be charged 100% upfront to start production and to meet the delivery turnaround time.
How do PO purchase order(s) work?
Purchase orders are accepted ONLY for government organizations. We are unable to process order for private companies or individuals through purchase order.To process order for government organizations through purchase order, please email support@iprintsol.pk for details
Are the prices listed on the site final? How do I know the total cost?
Most of our products does have final prices online to make your purchase on iPrintSol as easy as possible but when it’s about a product of paper or card material the final printing cost depends on many parameters: paper/card weight or thickness, paper/card finish glossy or matte, paper/card Printing 2 or 4 colors, printing sides single or double, square or rounded corners, required quantity of item and much more customization as per the product nature and style. Currentlyindicative prices are basic costs for client to get ball park idea. Once you place the order using the above parameters, you will be contacted by our representative for actual pricing and delivery time frame. Emerging to automated system our tech team working dedicatedly to fully automate price calculating system for your ease very soon
Changes & Order Cancellations
Can I request a faster turnaround time after placing an order?
Although iPrintSol will try to accommodate your request of any changes to your order but we cannot guarantee that you will for sure receive a faster production turnaround time for your placed print job(s). Possibility to change production turnaround time of any job depends on many factors such as phase of printing either the job is in pre-press or post-press, what’s production schedule, depends on day of the week, and technicalities of ordered product etc. NOTE: Request to faster the turnaround of your job can’t consider ifjob was already scheduled and received by prepress or production department.
To expedite your request, we encourage you to contact our support team at support@iprintsol.pkor you can reach directly to our 24/7 hotline 033-(PRINTING) 77468464
How do I cancel my order?
Once you pay against your custom order and give approval to iPrintSol to start production our integrated system automatically forward the job to pre-press department in next 1 hour maximum, No refunds or order cancelation request considered, if orderedjob have been received by our prepress department.
In few conditions, your order may be cancelled and a refund may be extended, if no work has been started by iPrintSol for that order.
To expedite your cancellation request, we encourage you to contact our support team at support@iprintsol.pk or you can reach directly to our 24/7 hotline 033-(PRINTING) 77468464
Can I change my artwork/design files?
Artwork or design files can be changed any time before your approval of printing. After you approve your print job online, iPrintSol cannot guarantee that we will be able to update your design files after you have approved the proof for your print job. Since your job will be sent automatically to our production department for printing upon your approval to one of our presses.
To expedite your cancellation request, we encourage you to contact our support team at support@iprintsol.pk or you can reach directly to our 24/7 hotline 033-(PRINTING) 77468464
Can I change required quantity option after ordering?
Although iPrintSol will try to accommodate your request of any changes to your order but we cannot guarantee that you can for sure change required quantity for your placed print job(s). Possibility to change quantity of any job depends on many factors such as phase of printing either the job is in pre-press or post-press, what’s production schedule, depends on day of the week, and technicalities of ordered product like if the job is of digital printing or offset printing etc.
To request for change in quantity, we encourage you to contact our support team at support@iprintsol.pk or you can reach directly to our 24/7 hotline 033-(PRINTING) 77468464
What if there is a product pricing or option error?
While iPrintSol strives to offer accurate product and pricing information online, pricing or product option errors may occur. iPrintSol cannot confirm the price of a product added to cart until you receive a confirmation email or phone from our representative for you order. In that case, if a product is listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect information due to any human or technical error, iPrintSol reserve the right to refuse or cancel any order(s) placed for that item. In the event that any item listed with incorrect pricing, our representative either contact you for corrections or cancel your order and notify you of that cancellation.
NOTE: All Prices listed at www.iprintsol.pk are subject to change without prior notice
My Account
Why do I have to create an account?
Your account helps us identify you when you are on our website, and this identification allow us to assist you better in providing information for your orders and your files. Creating an account helps you to save your design files and to keep track of your order history including purchases, pending orders and future orders. It also gives us a way to contact you regarding your printing needs and to offer you discounted deals as our recurring client
How do I create an account?
Creating an account is so simple and easy which takes just a moment to become an account holder. Click the “Login/Register” button at the top of any page on our site or follow this link MY ACCOUNT to begin the process. You just need to follow four easy steps to create an account
1. Enter your Full name in “User Name” field.
2. Type your Email in “Email Address” field.
3. Enter a unique password in “Create Password” field.
4. Type your contact number in “Phone Number” field.
Remember, the information of email address and contact number you give us is where all of your iPrintSol communications “including order confirmations, special updates, and any email newsletters you would sign up for” will be sent. You may use your email address or phone number when log in to your iPrintSol account
How will my information be used?
We at iPrintSol, respects and ensure your privacy completely. We never sell, or share any of your personal information to anyone without your permission. The information contained in our account helps us identify you and to systematically fulfil your orders. We reach you via email address or phone to send you order confirmations, important updates, and any email newsletters if you’ve requested for. The password you create and use for your account is limited for you only. Which ensures our privacy that only you have access to your account
How do I access my iPrintSol account?
You can easily access your iPrintSol account by clicking the “Login/Register” button at the top right corner of any page on our site. You will need to be logged in using your email address and password to open your account information. Only registered users have an account of iPrintSol. This account allows you to view and/or edit your orders and design files
How do I update or edit the information saved in my iPrintSol account?
To edit or update any of the information that you have saved in your iPrintSol account, you must have to log in first. To log in, click on “Login/Register” button at the top right corner of any page on our site and then enter your email address and password. Once you entered in your account page, from there you can easily make updates and save any changes
How do I view my files and orders?
In order to view your design files and order history or current running order status, you must have to login and enter into your account, if you do have already an account of iPrintSol you can simply click on “Login/Register” button at the top right corner of any page on our site and then enter your email address and password to login or if you don’t have an account yet check Question #2 of My account to create an account by following 4 easy steps.
Once you have successfully logged into your account, you do have options in there to view your order status
Account Password
What if I forget my iPrintSol’s account password?
Please remember that passwords are case-sensitive. You must have to enter your password exactly the same way, including capitalization of digit and numbers.
If you forget your password, you can click on “Forgot password” to change and set a new password for your account
How do I change my iPrintSol’s account password?
To change the password associated with your iPrintSol account you must have to login by typing your email and current password once you successfully logged in you can go to the “Account setting”. Type your current password in “old password” field, Enter new password in “New Password” field, Re-enter your new password in the “Confirm New Password” field and click the “Update Password” button.
Remember by setting your password it must be four to twelve characters long and can include letters, numbers and/or punctuation characters. Blank spaces can’t be consider in the passwords, and your email address may not be part of your password
Security and Privacy
Are iPrintSol transactions safe and secure?
Definitely Yes! iPrintSol is a secure web to print and mobile to print portal that uses the latest security measures and certified encryption technologies, including Secure Socket Layers (SSL), to keep all of valuable client’s information safe and secure
How does iPrintSol protect my privacy?
The security and privacy of your personal information is at our top priorities and much important to us. We never sell or rent your personal information e.g. your contact details or your design data to any third parties under any circumstances. We highly value your trust, and our technical staff works efficiently to protect the security and privacy of any personal information you provide to iPrintSol. We only use it for the purposes as we have described in our PRIVACY
What is iPrintSol’s Privacy Policy?
iPrintSol’s Privacy Policy describes our commitment to protecting your privacy, as well as creating a safe environment when visiting and placing orders on our site. Our policy covers all the information we collect and how we use it, the security measures we utilize to protect your data, and more.
We encourage you to visit and review our privacy policy
Can I place an order over the phone?
we are trying our best to make our web to print portal as user friendly and easy to use as possible but in printing industry of Pakistan client feels more comfortable to share required print job details over the phone and to communicate about order confirmation so Yes you can call any time to our representative at one of given numbers or can write us to respond you back.
We encourage you to check our contact details by following this link CONTACT US
What are your working hours and off days?
iPrintSol is a concept of printing marketplace, operates 24/7 to serve print on demand jobs in matter of clicks. Our production could closed only on specific days of official holidays in Pakistan but automated system operates frequently all the timeday and night to serve valuable clients
Does iPrintSol guarantee color?
Basic Goal of iPrintSol is to give our customers exceptional printing quality in competitive prices. Though we are equipped with highly qualified and experienced staffto have quality control on each job but the color may vary as variation of color depends on many factors, especially depending on how you submitted your files. The color on the screen cannot be guaranteed to match the finished product because every monitor’s color displays differently. Also screen colors are represented in RGB, whereas colors printed on object in CMYK. The color mode of submitted files must be CMYK to maximize color quality. If submitted files using any other color standard, like RGB or Pantone, they will be converted to CMYK before printing. Conversion from one color standard to another may cause colors to shift
How many products does your site support?
The site currently supports approximately 100 products which can be customized for printing in any style or color and that’s not it yet, we are shortly introducing more products of custom and personalized printing
What options are available for product design?
Product designing is the most important part while getting any item printed and iPrintSol is one of its kind web to print solution, offer maximum possibilities to complete your design following as.
- Upload Design/Print ready artwork: If you already have a design ready to print you can use this option to upload your own EPS, AI, PDF or PSD file format for iPrintSol to check and print your desired item.
- Custom Design/Create your design with an online tool: This option let you customize your desired product online. It’s a user friendly design studio where you can use multiple tools to create your own design. (LINK OF DESIGN ONLINE)
- Browse Design from Template Gallery: You may use this option to find hundreds of pre-loaded templates for you to work on them or customize them with user friendly tool of iPrintSol’s design studio.
- Request for hiring our designer online: This option offers you to schedule our expert designer online so you can instruct your product design that how exactly you need your custom printed item to be, and our designer take care of the rest, creates a visual proof and will share it for your review once done.
Request for hiring our designer at your premises: Some times when all 4 options mentioned above won’t work, you cansubmit a request to hire a designer at your own place in your desired time slot.
NOTE: This feature is currently available for Lahore Pakistan only
What is paper stock and card stock?
The type of paper used to express different thicknesses according to the product known as paper or card stock. Pakistan is following the European system which is grams per square meter (GSM) to identify the thickness.
The paper used for writing/printing (letterheads and such stationery like brochure or flyer, notepad and booklets) is generally between 80 to 150 GSMand is called the paper stock. Anything printed on heavier than this stock, considered as card stock, i.e. the paper used for business cards, postcards, greeting cards andFile folders is consider as card stock
What is the difference between glossy and matte paper stock?
All coated papers and cards ranges in two different finishes. Glossy (shiny) and matte (decent dull and smooth). Coated glossy papers reflect the light whereas Matte paper absorb light. Both Glossy and Matte papers have its own value and feature according to the nature of print job